

It is an important walnut variety that grows strong in France. It is a hybrid of Franquette x Lara.

Its most important feature is that it is harvested early from Chandler as well as late foliation. It can also be used as a fertilizer for Chandler. It is resistant to bacterial blight.

Fruit Weight: 10-12 gram
Internal Rate: %40-42
Fertilizers: Franquette, Ivarto, Fernette, Ronde de Montignac

Height & Growth medium growing, upright growing
Tree crown upright, rather narrow crown
Flowering late leafing and late flowering. It combines good health and resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases with late sprouting and thus the suitability for late frost endangered layers.
Flowering type Protandrous
Pollination different types of varieties from the German assortment or the French varieties: Lara, Franquette and Fernette
Terminal or Lateral 90% lateral bearing variety, therefore very high yields
Fruiting early fruit bearing, yield already after 3-4 years, regular and good cropping. On average, 3.5 t / ha are harvested.
Fruit medium-sized (10-12 g.), 32 x 29 mm, light shell, classic shape with beaded seam
Shell & pericarp light, slightly finned, medium thick (1.7 mm), nut with good seam 
Kernel light, more than 2/3 filled, easily shelled, medium crackling, excellent taste without bitterness
Harvest End September / Early October (26.09-10.10.)
Oil content 62%
Kernel % 66%
Winter hardness high − optimal for layers with low winter temperatures
Frost susceptibility high resistance to late spring frost
Drought resistance drought resistant
Sensitivity to bacterial blight and anthracnose high resistance to bacterial burn and anthracnose

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