

It is a French variety developed in the 1980s. It is a variety that grows early and has productivity in the lateral branches. It makes a small crown because of its medium-strong tree structure. Suitable for hedge planting. The inner walnut colour varies changes from white to amber depending on the area in which it grows.

Fruit Weight: 10-12 gram
Internal Rate: %45-51
Fertilizers: Franquette, Fernette, Ivarto

Height & Growth medium to strong growing
Tree crown spherical crown, crown volume of 24.5 m³
Flowering late flowering - male flowers in front of female with very short overlap, therefore fertilizer species important. Vegetation and flowering later than Shejnovo - which gives it an advantage in terms of resistance to low temperatures and spring frosts.
Flowering type Protandrous
Self fertile partially self-fertile
Pollination Fernette, Ronde de Montignac, Franquette, Fernor, Chandler
Terminal or Lateral lateral bearing variation, therefore very high yields
Fruiting very early fruit bearing, yield already after 3-5 years, very productive, regular and good cropping
Fruit medium-to-large (10-13.4 g.), (34-39 mm high, 32-38 mm wide), round shape, larger than average size, appealing appearance
Shell & pericarp light, slightly finned, medium thick (1.4 mm), good seam closure
Kernel relatively light cores, fleshy kernel, easily shelled, good taste without bitter substances, unique creamy flavor
Harvest End September / Early October (26.09-10.10.)
Oil content 62%
Kernel %  41-51%
Winter hardness good winter frost hardness
Frost susceptibility satisfactory resistance to late spring frost
Sensitivity to bacterial blight and anthracnose good resistance to anthracnose, low susceptibility to to bacterial burn

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